Monday, December 17, 2007

.i got the golden ticket

its december 7teenth and im spent [already].
so much of my energy for the last few days has gone into trying to get back to a city that im not to found of right now, especially in this not so pleasent winter season.

heading to the airport Wednesday. so long altanta.
it's like six degrees here, but if im complaining about this
what will fli city be like?
Dxmn you winter; you bring boots handbags coats and hats
but you take away the warmth necessary to enjoy the look fully.
oh well.
guess ill just have to wrap up a lil tighter this holiday
if i still rememeber how. [after all this]
i know the snow is there but somehow it's still going to be a shock.

looking foward to taking that walk down memory lane.
partying it up with the best of the...well with old friends
"you ready Karen" lqtm
seeing my innocent neice again after all this time.
and some good ol fashion home


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