This man i know is growing weary, of having to be strong.
of having to pretend he's made of stone, of having to make believe he's not alone.
of pretending that there's someone when he comes home... alas there's no one there to listen, not one person there to heal his wounds when he's hurt, as he has done for so many before. No one there to say the important things that he already knows but would like to hear every now and then.
you see fear is not the issue,
because he'd much rather let someone in,
open his heart and let down his guard...
needing someone to stop him from singing his solider song
There is a man who loves the dark.
Once The Sunsets Over The World, The Night Begins.
The Dark Describes His Personality. Mysterious, Yet Calm
The Night Is Cool, Calming and Romantic.
The Night Is Personal and Intimate.
He Thinks Better At Night Because While Everyone Is Asleep, So Is Chaos And Mayhem.
The Night Is Beautiful And Sexy.
Bright Stars Dance Against The Black Backlit Sky.
The Moon Smiles Upon The Ocean Casting A Cool, Calming Glow Abroad.
The Night Makes You Wanna Hold Someone That You Love.
Kiss Someone That You Love.
Make Love To The One You Love.
The Night Is The Perfect Cure To The Busy Day.
Just Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy.
Life Moves To Fast. Sometimes Its Good To Sit Back And Reflect.
Just You And The Night.
So he does...